Monday, April 6, 2009


听了醬震惊的事,我其实担心的。 可是 ,我还要故作镇定地以茅山师父的口吻, 把我珍贵的意见告诉她。我要吓我妈妈: 其实,这些事我已经expect了的。 上个礼拜,我差不多要入睡时, 就看到一个全白的女鬼出现在我面前。 一股凉意,从脚底冷到头顶!我马上call观世音菩萨。哇 , 冬季女鬼顿时变白衣天使。酱浪漫me? 可是,我感觉浑身不对劲,好像hormone adrenaline 和 testoterone 在我身上,起色sexualarousal 作用。无量义经句: 奉持诸佛清净戒,乃至失命不毁伤 。 我告诉自己绝对不可以乱来。

话说回来,我马上跟samuel 借电话, call 晓盈,国宏,MR.James, 阿雄,帮我念一百声南无地藏王菩萨,回向给 jun家人的怨亲债主。其中一位朋友 欣慧 complain : ye, 你很衰,三更半夜打给人讲这种事。in fact, 那时只是九点多。

1 comment:

  1. What a funny way to share your experience...

    It is your unique style to express yourself, just stick to it. For me, it is quite interesting and I think it is a simple and yet genuine way to share your 'story'. (^>^)

    By the way, what is ghost actually? Do you believe in life after death? Some say that there are heaven and of course, hell, what's your opinion about these?

    May you guys be well and happy always!

    chloroplast 1
